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Fun Facts: Meal Assembly & Prep
- 1Meal prep and meal delivery are quickly growing in popularity in the US due to busy family schedules and both parents working full-time outside the home.
- 259% of mothers in the US work outside the home.
- 3Dinner is the most popular meal of the day.
- 4Eighty-one percent of Americans are eating dinner at home, and 47 percent of consumers report eating dinner with everyone in their household every night of the week, according to a new food and beverage market research study.
- 5Popular dinner meals change with each decade. For instance, tuna noodle casserole was extremely popular in the 1950's, Beef Bourguignon in the 60's, crock-pot dinners in the 70's, sloppy Joe's in the 80's and fajitas in the 1990's!