
Fun Facts: Chocolate

  1. 1It takes approximately 400 cocoa beans to make one pound of chocolate. Big thank you to the cacao tree!
  2. 2The average American eats a whopping 10 pounds of chocolate per year!
  3. 3The word “chocolate” comes from the Aztec word, “Xocolatl”, which means “bitter water”
  4. 4"Ninety million chocolate bunnies are produced each year for Easter.
  5. 5Europeans account for nearly half of all the chocolate the world eats, according to the International Cocoa Organization.
  6. 6Chocolate is an $83 billion a year business
  7. 7The melting point of chocolate is just below the human body temperature (98.6 degrees) whish is why it literally melts in your mouth!
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